Friday, April 4, 2008

Baby Bump???

Good gracious! I've heard the second time around it happens faster, but are you kidding me?!!? I'm hoping there's a couple of them in there just to make sense of this, but, i'm afraid not. It happened almost as simultaneous as taking the test, watching the "pregnant" sign appear as the button popped off my jeans!!!! Seriously crazy!!! at least we bypassed the whole ""in-between" stage, where you don't look pregnant you just look thick! Bring on the Belly!!!!


Melissa said...

I think your belly is super cute! You look great. Love you.

Heather said...

LEILANI!! You look perfectly adorable, and you really do have a baby bump! ( I hope it's a little girl!)

Andrea said...

You look HOT!!!!

Tamar said...

LUCKY! You look too cute!

prettyinink0402 said...

It's crazy huh!? I'm pooching way sooner too...oh well! I love being pregnant...thank God I don't have morning sickness! You look great!!!

Cagle Clan said...

Hi! We don't know each other but we know a lot of the same people from GHCC. Anyway, I found your blog through Julia's as I have been following her pregnancy and realized that you are just a few weeks behind me, so I will be following yours as well. :) Fun! Anyway, when I read this post I had to laugh...because I could have written it word for word! My nickname is "instant pregnant woman"! :) I am pregnant with my 3rd and am 3 months along and look at least 6 months! The funny thing is that one of the very first ways I knew I was pregnant is because when I sat down at church one day I had to unbotton my pants...I had only been pregnant for 12 days!!! So, I feel you's so nice to know I am not alone! :) Oh, and I "stole" your baby ticker, too cute! You do look super cute in your pics though!

Kyle, Chelsie and Jacob said...

You look really cute! How much fun is it to have a baby growing inside you! You are it's life support. Are you guys going to find out what you're having? I hope you're feeling well.

Steve and Alie said...

You are absolutely beautiful!

Steve and Alie said...

You are absolutely beautiful!

josiah michael said...

haha i swear you didn't have that when you came into yogurt! thanks for all the nice comments, i enjoy reading feedback! rebecca wants to be a "model" for me... you should her makeup!

Karen said...


That IS a big baby bump!!!!!!!!!


(Just had to jump in and support you, you know!)


Amy said...

You are definitely a beautiful pregnant mama! Can't wait for that belly to get bigger!!

The Stockwells said...

I think your cute!

Jim and Jenn Blackman said...

congratulations girl. You look great!! I'm so happy for you guys.
Hugs! jenn

Jim and Jenn Blackman said...

O and I've got to add that the expression on your face says it all...made me LOL. I so remember those days - almost makes me miss them.

John and Julia said...

I think you look very cute too. :o)

The Pappoe's said...

You popped already! Twins??? I'll keep my fingers crossed!