Friday, April 11, 2008

sunny days!

yes, he's in the trunk; he was on sale!
that face says it all - my sickie buddy!

Max loves his Mimi!
kicking it with Auntie Kathy!
Today was Gorgeous! and we had to get out in it! Max has been cooped up inside, since he'd been having severe asthma attacks and had to go on a little breathing treatment and steroids! yuck! and he's been puking and having horrible diarrhea this week....poor baby, when he gets hit, he gets hit hard. So, needless to say, between that, being sick myself, pregnant and trying to get settled in - the 10 consultations a week I've been averaging have been wiping me out!!!! But today my mom and my Auntie Kathy came to the rescue and we got lots done in the house and went shopping for the fun stuff at Target and even got California Yogurt and watched August Rush! what a good day!!!


Amy said...

I'm glad Max is feeling better! Poor guy! :( BTW...I finally saw August Rush. I couldn't stop thinking about it for days. It was SO great!

Amy said...

It didn't get moved to Friday night???? It was on last night. Did you miss it??!!!

Steve and Alie said...

I am so jealous of your sunshine! Tomorrow is supposed to be 70 up here, which is miraculous, so we are all going to take advantage of it and BBQ and fish and spend all day out in the sun... Yea! I can't believe I'm this excited for 70 degrees. :) You are one fun loving busy fantastic Mama, Lei!