Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Yes, I'm crazy. James and I packed up our energetic 2yr. old and barely 3 wk. old Baby and drove some 13 hours to WA state to stay with our beloved friends Matt and Melody and be in my dear Amy's long-awaited wedding! Max was the ring-bearer and stole the show in his killer tiny tux and announcing that he had to go poo-poo in the middle of the ceremony! fantastic. And I was a one-man band with being in the wedding - ready by 5 a.m., doing Amy's makeup at 6, pictures, singing the communion song, having Max in the wedding - oh, and did I mention I had a Baby 3 weeks prior??? But it was so worth it to be a part of that amazing day and be with the friends we love so much! We love you, our Washington Fam!


Tamar said...

Yes. You are crazy. I want to sleep just after reading about all that you did!

Unknown said...

I love Mia's argyle sweater outfit! It is so adorable! Ben and I just love argyle...where did you get it? I'd love to stock up for future babies!

Rose said...

I looooved seing you, you crazy rodent. Or however that bud light real men of genius song went.... FEISTY! Yes. It's feisty rodent. And that's what you are. :-) I'll come see you as soon as I possibly can.