Thursday, June 12, 2008

just in case you missed it!

So, it didn't seem to work at the time, you have to see this video of Max and I telling James about the new addition on the way - Max was giggling the whole time! I totally started crying in the middle of it! Oh, and don't forget to pause the music on the side before you press play.


Amy said...

Awwww....that is so cute!!! I remember with every baby how and where I told Ben that I was pregnant. Him or I will never forget that special moment in each pregnancy! Can't wait to meet Mia Bella (oops! don't tell james I said that!)!!!

Melissa said...

Well, the video wouldn't work for me (Probably operator error!) but I love your new layout! I can't believe how well it matches your new pillows:)

Jim and Jenn Blackman said...

that made me cry what an awesome thing to capture that moment. If I haven't said it already I am so happy for you guys. You are an amazing Mom not to mention you make beautiful babies so keep 'em comin' :) Love you!

angie rose said...

i love this video....totally kils me!! i miss you, and love you!!

praying for you!